Meeting started at 7:30pm
President: Welcome
Secretary: Previous minutes shared and approved. Patty Williams motioned, Angela Tripp seconded.
Treasurer: Treasurers reported finances are running smoothly, supported by several fundraisers to be covered later in the agenda. November 20 is drop deadline for the New York trip.
Student Reports
- WinterPercussionstarting.ExcitedaboutDayton.Thanksforparentandvolunteersupport. Anticipating participants; adding dancers and tumblers this year.
- Color Guard: Guard had great season. Winter Guard starting up; show not yet determined. Trying to start middle school guard this year.
Band Captain: Great season. Parade practices and parades soon. Thanks to parents for support.
President’s Recap: Last month we had a beautiful Fall Concert, competed in 4 marching band competitions, won 2 Grand Champions, had a great trip to the beach, experienced a charter bus breakdown, had an RV rescue and still did some fundraising.
Fundraiser Updates
- Durham Bulls: Season total $28,918.62 with $23,189 to individual accounts and $5729.62 to general fund.
- BBQ: Thanks to all volunteers for a successfulf all BBQ. Added $4,702 to general fund.
- State Fair Parking: Even with lower overall fair attendance, $1643 more than last year. Total earnings $24,386 with $6,590 to individual band accounts and $17,796 to general fund.
- Mattress Sale: Great results for first sale. Earned $5775 with $4550 to general fund and $1225 to individuals. Can still purchase. If sale 4 more, band gets $500 bonus. Can go to warehouse or Broughton HS this weekend; tell them purchase is for Athens Drive Band. Thursday, drawing for 39” flat screen TV. All referral flyers with purchases entered in the drawing.
- NCSU Lemonade Stands: Have a couple more games. To date, earnings are more than entire season last year. Estimated $6010 earned so far with $3225 going to individual accounts and $2285 to general fund (includes $322 in tips). Only 1 slot left for the season: on parade/banquet day. Need to fill to avoid penalty. Thankful to all who have worked to keep the stands fully staffed this season.
- Belk Charity Sale: $310 from ticket sales. Will also receive percentage of store sales for Charity Day Sale. Store had great sale. ADAF will participate in the Spring Belk Charity Sale.
- BJs: 31 new or renewal applications with $155 to band’s general fund. Over $310 savings to band families. Participants received 15 months versus 12. Will do again in the spring.
- Composite Photos: Deadline for ordering extended to banquet (November23). So far, 57 orders from 135 band families. Just Smiles donating a percentage of sales back to the band. Current total is $450. Group photo to be taken in full uniform at stadium before Raleigh parade. Photographer will be available afterward to help with ordering. Best to look online before hand. If you order Original Design, please go online and approve. Photos available at banquet for pickup.
- Fruit and Nut: Orders due at banquet November 23. Box placed in band room for order collection. Delivery December 13. Need volunteers to help on delivery day. Signups slots available online. Remember to ask alumni to purchase. Send sample letter to neighbors. Two others schools concurrently doing this fundraiser along with us.
- PNC: Going strong. Please sign up in stand-by slots. Some events have extra stands open up 2 weeks before event and if we have standbys signed up we can immediately take the stands. Will not take extra stands if standby slots are not filled. Personal band polo (logo or non-logo) required beginning January 1. Return old shirts to band room. Minimum age is 18. Please do not allow students under 18 to sign up.
- Sponsor Program: $6500 in sponsorships since September 1. Program information under “Fundraisers” tab on website. PLEASE check Sponsor Contact List on Sponsor Program page BEFORE you contact a business. If the business is not listed, please add them if you plan to contact and remember to update after contacting. Sponsorship Packet and FAQ available on Sponsor Program page. Packet and Online Submission form are available on the “Forms” page of our website.
- Scrip: December orders due December 1. To be delivered at parent party on December 6. Jim has November orders at meeting for pickup.
- Gobble Golf: Knight’s Play this Tuesday, November 19th. 26 signed up so far. Having bonfire with hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows afterwards at Bruce and Brenda Ash’s house.
- Raffle: Raffle to be held at Holiday Concert. Big item is iPad donated by Manhattan Concert Productions. Soliciting raffle donations. Check Sponsor Contact list to make sure not to approach same businesses. Will sell tickets at banquet. Cost per ticket under discussion.
- Let’s Eat! Village Draft House in Cameron Village this Monday, November 18th. Band gets percentage of all sales, all day. Hours are 11am-midnight. Kim Lowe will create and send out advertisement flyer to boosters for posting in work areas and offices. Village Draft House has offered to hold event every 4 months. Next Let’s Eat! is Dickey Barbeque Pit at Crossroads December 18th 5-8pm. Planned as alumni gathering. Students are encouraged to eat at Dickey’s before or after dress rehearsal and socialize with alumni. For band to get credit at Dickey’s, put receipt in Athens Band box near the register at checkout. Guidelines for Let’s Eat! are being created and include minimum earnings and no flyer requirements.
Upcoming Events:
- Winter Guard: Already underway. Orientation/Auditions start next week. Intent forms and deposits due Nov. 26th.
- Winter Percussion: Started Nov.5th. Adding dancers and tumblers this year. Intent forms and deposits due Nov. 20th.
- Grants: Committee has submitted 3 grants. One for band to Grammys for $5000 technology in the classroom. One collaborative grant with band, chorus and orchestra for $15,000 that has made it into semi-finals (top 100). For final round, will submit performance CDs from each group in December. 10 winners will be announced in March. More recent submission to Cary Lazy Daze for $5,000. Plans to submit requests to Wal-Mart for $250-$2500 local grant and possibly $25,000- $250,000 state level grant. Checking in to grants from Raleigh Arts which awards 1.5 million in grants per year.
- Alumni Drive: Committee underway. Depending on alumni themselves. Letter writing campaign planned for January. Campaign goal is to raise $10,000. Reaching out to student alumni through social media. Planning get together for all Drum Major and Band Captain alumni for December. December’s Let’s Eat! at Dickey’s Barbeque Pit has been designated as alumni gathering. Have digital alumni contact information for last 10 years. Alumni reception planned for March concert.
- Volunteer Opportunities:
- Fruit & Nut delivery December 13th. Band orders excess inventory each year to sell at school
functions and other places. Band earns over $1000 on these after delivery inventory sales. Signups
online. Labor intensive. Please volunteer. - Alumni letter stuffing in January.
- Soliciting items for Holiday Concert Raffle. Please check sponsor contact list before soliciting to
make sure no one else is working with the business. Also add information from businesses you
approach so others will not contact. - Marching Band Banquet: Saturday, November 23rd after Raleigh Parade. Signups online. Will send
email soon. Working with PLM Families Together this year to provide holiday wishes for two of their families. PLMFT provides short-term housing and life skills training to homeless families to help get them on the road to independence. To contribute to holiday wishes, choose an item from the tree. Purchased items can be placed in a collection box in Doc’s office through Dec. 13th. - Christmas Party: Band Parent Christmas party, December 6th, 7-11pm at Jim and Melissa Merchant’s home.
- Carnegie Trip:
- March 22-25 and spots still available. $995 for Performers, $895 Non-Performers (including parent’s
and siblings wishing to purchase as package), $495 Chaperones, $200 Round Trip Bus Only, $100 Bus around NYC. - Band is staying at Hilton Garden Inn Meadowlands (Saturday) and Hilton Midtown (Sunday-
Tuesday). - For bus only or those traveling to NYC on their own, event tickets are $10 for Wind Ensemble
Carnegie performance, $189 for Paired Haydn Concert & Cruise, $60 for Broadway Show, $20 for Top of the Rock, $2 for 9/11 Memorial and 3 Dinners for $105. Cruise around NYC Harbor is a paired event with Haydn professional concert. Purchase paired ticket from boosters ($189) and sit with the band in the best seats. Alternatively, purchase less expensive concert ticket online from Manhattan Concert Productions for $50+ and let booster presidents know if you would like to purchase cruise ticket for $79. - Online form for Round Trip Bus and Individual Event ticket purchases available on Forms page of our website. Broadway Show order deadline is Nov. 20. Other events and round trip bus by Dec. 15.
- Payment Schedule: $200 due 10/11, 11/11, 12/11, and 1/ll. Final payment due 2/11 at $195 for performers and $95 non-performers due on 2/11. Depending on fundraisers, there is a possibility the 2/11 payment will not be needed.
- New Principal: Parent Input Session with area super intendent is Monday, November 18th at 5:30pm in cafeteria.
- Input for new principal is important. If we have and retain good teachers, our kids shine. If we don’t, they move to mediocrity. Key is to support a well-rounded kid.
- Freshmen band parent involvement this year is like never before. Band headed to places we have never gone before. Will be applying to Rose Bowl after Carnegie.
- Great season with a show that reached people. Kids didn’t burn out. Many ways one can judge a marching show.
- Group of students went to Yates Mill and Combs Elementary schools to play for the children. These children are our future, our connection.
- 2 percussion students made U.S. Army All-American Marching Band this year: Jay Dineen (bass) and Aaron Kerr (snare). John Antonelli is a great asset to our program. All of our instructors tremendous assets and are instrumental in success of our students.
- Marching band still has banquet and Christmas parades. Already working on next year’s s how. Will nail down by February.
- Trying to start JV Winter Guard in middle schools.
- Group photo of marching band before Raleigh Parade at stadium, full uniform.
- Chamber Concert Dec. 5th featuring Wind Ensemble and some Symphonic Band chamber groups. Vote on favorite. Instructors working with students on chamber music.
- Small chamber group to play background music at Gregory Poole’s company holiday meal after Thanksgiving.
- Options for keeping kids busy post marching season include Jazz Band participation (starts end of
Jan.), taking private lessons, participating in Winter Guard or Winter Percussion, preparing for
District Honor Band auditions/participation and sports participation. - Thanks to parents for everything you have done to create a healthy band program. Wes Parker
entering his 4th year with us. Instructor retention for our program is excellent. Thanks for all you
do. - Will have guest conductors in the spring.
- Holiday concert Dec. 19th at 7:30pm with our Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble.
Meeting ended at 9:00pm
Next meeting January 9, 2014 7:30pm