Booster News

Band Camp and Pre Camp Info

Hello Marching Band Families!

Welcome to the 2019-20 marching band season!! We are so excited about beginning another incredible year of marching band! Band camp is rapidly approaching, so please take a moment to read over the information in this email.

Band camp is an important, intense, yet fun time for the marching band. During this week, students learn the music and maneuvers of the field show, experience the discipline required of a first-rate organization, and build lasting relationships. Band Camp will be held in Rocky Mount, NC at Wesleyan College Sunday, July 28th through Friday, August 2nd, 2019. In preparation, please review the information found in the following links: Band Camp Itinerary, Rules & Policies and the Band Camp Packing List.

Pre-camp is an important part of Band Camp preparation. It will be held Monday, July 22nd through Thursday, July 25th from 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Please let us know as soon as possible if your student will be unable to attend pre-camp. Please e-mail with this information.


______WCPSS Student Photo Permission Form (if not previously returned)—form can be found at:

______Band Camp Roommate Request Form. Remember – only 2 students per room. DUE WEDNESDAY night at the end of the evening – if students don’t know anyone, they can work with their section leaders to find roommates. Forms will be available in the band room or online

_____ Payments – Please make sure your band account is current as of July 30.

_____ Reusable Water Bottle (labeled with your student’s name) – bring to ALL band practices.

_____ Donations: Towels, sunscreen, bug spray. Thank you!


Please plan to attend our Parent Pre-Camp Meeting on Tuesday July 23rd at 6:45. We will provide information about Band Camp and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. You will also have the opportunity to meet many of our band camp chaperones (listed below).

Immediately following this meeting, please join us in the cafeteria for our annual Booster Fair, where you can learn all about our Band Booster/Parent organization and ways to get involved with this wonderful band family. More information about the Booster Fair will follow in a separate email message.


The following people will be taking great care of the kids at band camp: Kathy Bernath, Matt Berry, Suella Berry, Lynne Davies-Cutting, Scott Dingman, Ada Dolan, Tamara Everman, Stephanie Eyester, Greg Garvis, Brenda Gerken, Martha Harris, Charles Lanier, Michelle Major, Mark Michaud, Shayla Michaud, Dee Nicol, Slawek Pruchnik, Lauren Robbins-Pollack, Rich Swirski, Johnny Thornton, David Uy, Susan Uy, John Wakeford, Adrienne Williamson, Tyrone Williamson, Michaele Woodhouse, Liz Workman.

We appreciate all of these parents for their dedication to making band camp possible and a great success!

We look forward to seeing all of you on Monday at Pre-Camp! If you have any questions or concerns—please contact us at any time!


Suella Berry & Michelle Major

Co-Presidents, Athens Drive Band Boosters

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.