Booster News

Band Parent Booster Meeting May 8th 7.30pm

It’s hard to believe, but it’s time for the final Band Parent Meeting of the school year! Come find out what’s happening with the band program and connect with other band parents at our next:
May Booster/Parent Meeting on
TUESDAY, May 8th @ 7:30 pm in the Band Room

ALL parents involved with any ADHS Band program (Marching Band, Color Guard, Concert Bands, Winter Percussion, Winter Guard, etc.) are Boosters and are encouraged to attend!
Come learn about all the amazing things happening in this program and how you can be part of it! Bring a friend! Some of the items on this month’s agenda include:
Fundraiser Updates including PNC, PARCC, BBQ, NCFC
Volunteer Opportunities
Vote on the slate of officers for 2018-19 Band Booster Board
Latest scoop from Doc
We hope to see you all at the last of this year’s performances. Come support our amazing, talented, hard-working students:
Thursday, May 10 @7:00 – Concert Band & Jazz Ensemble Concert
Tuesday, May 22 @7:00 – Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble Concert
Also, make sure to mark your calendar for these other special dates:
Monday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 15 @6:30 pm – Marching Band Orientation
Sunday, May 20 @6: 30 pm Cary Music and Arts Festival, Koka Booth Amphitheatre – more info here
Friday, June 1 – Marching Band Registration Deadline
Sunday, June 3 – Spring Banquet
Tuesday, June 12– GRADUATION!!!
Thanks again for all that you each do to support our terrific students! Our band program is truly a special part of Athens Drive! We are grateful that you are part of it!

Suzanne & Michaele
Co-Presidents ADHS Band

Booster Team

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Support The Band

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We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.