
Web Committee

Listing of used instruments, concert attire, and other Athens Drive High School Band-related items. Items are listed in these categories: Wanted, For Sale, Give-Away, or Trade.

No Wanted Items at this time

No Give Away Items at this time

No Trade Items at this time

No Sale Items at this time

Disclaimer: The Athens Drive Band Boosters are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers and have no control over and do not guarantee the quality, safety, reliability, or legality of the items listed, the truth or accuracy of listings, the ability of sellers to sell the items, or the ability of buyers to pay for them. Although we list items freely, in no way are we, the Athens Drive High School Band Boosters, our officers, directors, and agents, endorsing, warranting, or vouching for, any item nor encouraging its sale.

Caveat Emptor: It is the responsibility of the individual buyer to check the reliability of any item before purchase.

Hold Harmless and Release: By using the exchange, the buyer and seller agree to hold harmless and release from liability the Athens Drive High School Band Boosters, its officers, directors, and agents, from any and all claims that may arise in connection with the purchase or sale of any item listed on Band Bay.