Director’s News

Cary parade logistics and more

Dear marching band member and parent,

Yippie! We were able to march last weekend at Apex and it was BEAUTIFUL! I am so proud of our students and parent volunteers for all their time and efforts making our band shine! A special “shout out” to Merri Beth Hibbits for working on all those lights! We were definitely the most “LIT” band in the parade!

And now… the LAST PARADE of the season! The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information concerning the Cary Christmas Parade this Saturday and a few other “end of season” events.


Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023

12:30pm Report & Dress
1:00pm Inspection
1:15pm Depart for Cary (via activity buses)
1:35pm Arrive at parade site
2:00pm Parade begins
2:50pm Step-off (we are #66 of 90)
4:00pm Return to ADHS
The Cary Christmas Parade is comparable to the Apex Parade in many ways: It is approximately the same length; the route takes the band through the heart of a charming downtown; and it is usually very well attended. The parade route begins on Chatham at Circle Drive; turns left onto Academy and ends at the corner of Academy and Kildaire (in front of Cary Elementary). Additional parade information can be found at


Important Upcoming Dates:

12/14 Grand Holiday Concert 7:00pm (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble)—featuring premiere performance of “A Great Day of Teaching and Learning” for Mr. Mares!

12/17 TUBACHRISTMAS at St. Andrews Church in Apex. Information to be sent soon under separate cover.


Please consider dropping by our Dewey’s Bakery Store to do some holiday shopping and to support our band program. A huge THANK YOU to those who have given your TIME to make this fund-raiser a success. We could not run our program and serve your children without your support!


Although we exchanged many words of thanks at the showcase and throughout the past few weeks, I want to again THANK all of you—students and family members–for being you, and for making our season such a wonderful success. Our months together were filled with many wonderful memories, great musical moments, and a whole lot of life lessons! I sincerely hope that our juniors, sophomores, and freshmen will enthusiastically return next summer!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.