Last Change to register

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER It’s the Final Countdown!! Just two days from having our full 2022 Marching Band roster complete!! Read carefully, as this email contains vital info!! Reminder to all returning and interested marching band members!! Registration ends...

Board and Booster Meeting Feb 10th, 2022

Hello Band Families! The purpose of this email is to update you on a change to our 2021-22 Booster Board and to encourage you to attend our first booster meeting of the new year. At the end of this year’s marching season, co-president Ashley Peay-Bettini made...

Dewey’s Load Out

Hello band family! The 2021 Dewey’s Holiday Stores were a huge success. Whether you helped with set up, worked a store shift, or purchased items from the store, we are so grateful for your participation! We will be sharing our final numbers in the near future at...

Holiday help 2021

Dear Band Parents, It was great seeing so many folks at last Friday’s Showcase! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. With the holiday season upon us, there’s a lot going on and we need your help. Please take a look at the info below and get on board!...