Director’s News

Chamber Music Concert Next Thursday!

October 4, 2018

Dear Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band student and parent,

I am excited to announce the kick-off our Concert Series Performances with our ANNUAL FALL CHAMBER CONCERT next Thursday, October 11 at 7:00pm!

Although this concert will feature many the members of our Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble, the band will not be performing primarily as a single group as we do at our other concerts.  Instead, this concert will feature the small ensembles that comprise the band (e.g., Flute Choir, Horn Choir, Woodwind Choir, etc.) as well as solos, duets, trios, mixed quintets, you name it!  Some of the pieces have even been written/arranged by the students themselves!

Dress is “nice”, but of students’ choice.  Some of the choirs are dressing in a special manner to highlight their piece or simply their identity as a section.

I am also extending an enthusiastic invitation to our CONCERT BAND to attend this program (with your parents) to experience what the future holds for you at Athens Drive!  You will be amazed at the quality of many of these performances and I trust will be impressed by how these upperclassmen perform—many are your section leaders in marching band!   We also need help distributing programs and working back stage as a “stage tech.”  I’ll give all Concert Band students who attend “extra credit” as well!  (Grades are posted in about 4 weeks!)

I am proud to inform you that only the finest high school programs cultivate chamber music in their programs.  [The word “chamber” refers to music to be played in a small room (a chamber) and has been used for centuries.]  The educational benefit of performing in a chamber group is self-evident:  Playing in a small group requires that the students play with more confidence and musicianship, listen more carefully for rhythmic precision and intonation, and make their own musical decisions with regard to phrase shaping, tempo, attacks/releases, etc.  By strengthening individual performers, you strengthen the group.

Students will report to the school at a time that allows them sufficient time to warm-up well and be prepared with their respective ensemble to perform.  Many will report to school around 6:30pm—some may be able to come a little later.

I look forward to seeing you next Thursday evening!  It will be a delightfully fast-paced program filled with variety and outstanding performances!


P.S.  We will not be having a dress rehearsal on Wednesday evening (as originally noted on the schedule).


P.P.P.S.  All of our concerts are FREE and REFRESHMENTS ARE SERVED AFTERWARDS! —  @9:00pm

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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