Director’s News

Change in practice schedule

Dear Athens Drive Marching Band Students and Parents,

We will ONLY BE REHEARSING ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON NEXT WEEK (10/26) as Wednesday is a teacher workday and Thursday is our Fall Concert. In other words, there will be NO MARCHING REHEARSALS NEXT WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY (10/27 & 28).

As the following Tuesday, Nov. 2nd is a teacher workday–and Election Day–we will not be rehearsing on that day either. However, we will be rehearsing on Wednesday, Nov. 3 and Thursday, Nov. 4 as usual.

It’s kinda scary (pun) to take this much time “off” before our final competition; however, I believe this brief respite will do us good before we push toward our final competition on November 6.

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.