Booster News

Competition Kickoff Breakfast THIS SATURDAY!

Dear Marching Band Parents,

Don’t forget to join us at our annual Competition Kickoff Breakfast this Saturday, September 18th at 9:15 am. Drop off your marcher for the 9-9 practice and head on over to the Athens Drive cafeteria for some fellowship!

Whether you are new to the band program or a veteran, we encourage all parents/guardians to join us. The breakfast is a fantastic way to meet other parents and to share important information about competitions with our newest families.

Please consider bringing an item to share – click HERE to visit the sign-up. We normally only ask veteran families to contribute, but because we are a small and mighty group, we are hoping everyone can chip in this year.

** Are you looking for ways to pay off your band account or contribute to the band program as a volunteer? Stay for a bit after breakfast and get the scoop on our biggest upcoming opportunities – BBQ, State Fair parking, and Dewey’s Holiday Store!**

Lastly, remember that family and friends are invited to watch the last 90 minutes of rehearsal on Saturday evening in the stadium. Consider coming from 7:30-9:00 to see the band perform the entire show just like they will at the competition. Exciting!

See you Saturday,

Booster Team

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.