Booster News

Coupon Book Update

We are a week and a half into our Coupon Book sale but so far we have only sold 6 books ($30 for the band’s general fund.) There will be no prize drawing this week, as we’re still waiting on sales from our students.

Please try to ramp up your efforts to sell more books!! Remember right now we are one of the first schools selling these books, and we want to take full advantage of this. Other schools will start to sell over the next few weeks as “back to school” begins.

Create your personal link and share it with your friends, family, neighbors, co workers, club/church members, etc & remember to share on your Social Media too.

You can get a head start by going to:
Create your personal link by clicking the green start selling button (& enter your child’s name, grade, and Doc’s name)

Mobile books are available now and have the benefit of new merchants being added throughout the next year. Paper Books should become available this weekend. We can arrange a time for you to collect them.

As our State Fair Parking fundraiser is cancelled this year, please use this opportunity to raise some money for the band. We think these books pretty much sell themselves, all you have to do is spread the word. So spread, spread, spread!

Please help support our wonderful band program.
Liz & Georgia

Booster Team

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Support The Band

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We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.