Booster News

Deweys store signup

Hello band families!

The Dewey’s SIGNUP is now open, and there are plenty of shifts to help you pay off your band account. This fundraiser can also help you meet your service commitment!

Here’s what you need to know:

Shifts are based on an hourly rate of $10. Students can work as long as an adult is on the shift, too. When you sign up, enter the name of the person who will be working and their contact number. In the comment field, indicate if the worker is a student or an adult.


We have our original store at Waverly Place again, and we’re operating a second store at Village District (formerly Cameron Village). Be sure to check the location when signing up.


Training is in two parts. Sign up for an on-site training session on the SIGNUP app when you select your volunteer shifts. All on-site training will be held at the Waverly Place store. Watch for the “Dewey’s Basics” training module to be posted on the band website before training sessions begin. Complete this module before you attend your on-site training. This at-home training replaces the first hour of on-site training and must be completed prior to training shift.


Waverly Place

Village District


Thank you!

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.