Director’s News

District Honor Band Info

N.C. East Central District Honor Bands

Auditions:  Jan. 11, 2020 at Middle Creek H.S. (Snow Date:  Jan. 18)

Band Clinic/Concert:  Jan. 31-Feb. 1 at Sanderson H.S.

(Snow Date for Clinic is Feb. 7-8)


The East Central District Honor Bands are the most celebrated honor bands in the area, comprising a 9-10 Wind Ensemble, an 11-12 Symphonic Band and an 11-12 Wind Ensemble.  The competition is quite stiff:  Each year approx. 40 of our members audition; usually about 14 “win” a position in one of the bands.


The audition site is Middle Creek H.S.  Students must arrange their own transportation.  Students will be assigned a time period (usually 2 hours) during which they will audition.  Students may leave immediately after their audition; results are posted online the following day.


To audition, please complete the attachment below and return it to the band office with your $8.00 fee by Monday, Dec. 9th (checks made payable to ADHS Band Boosters).  Visit to get information about audition requirements (after entering the site, go to east central district information).  Make certain that you can attend the Honor Band Clinic on Jan. 31-Feb. 1 and that you will prioritize the time to adequately prepare your scales/arpeggios (which MUST BE MEMORIZED IN ORDER) and solo.  All students are highly encouraged to perform their solo for the band director before the audition.  The band director reserves the right to ask a student to refrain from participating if the student is not adequately prepared.


Students who make the honor band will receive additional information about the clinic weekend.  In sum, the Central District Honor Band Clinic will be held at Sanderson H.S. There is a clinic fee of $25 that the selected students will need to pay; however, the band boosters may help with this expense if funds are available.




Central District Honor Band Audition

(Due Monday, Dec. 9, 2019)


My son/daughter ______________________________ in grade _____ has my permission to audition for the Central District Honor Band on Saturday, Jan. 11 on the following instrument(s) ___________________________________________.  The auditions will be held at Middle Creek H.S. and students must arrange their own transportation.  I understand that if selected, my child will be available to rehearse and perform with the honor band on Jan. 31-Feb. 1 at Sanderson H.S.  An $8.00 audition fee per instrument must accompany this form (checks made payable to ADHS Band Boosters).

Signed ______________________________________

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.