Director’s News

“Doc Note” from 2/14

Dear Athens Drive band member and parent,

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Ya gotta LUV it!


Here’s the band happenings coming up!


1) Our Winter Percussion Ensemble will be performing in their first competition of the season at Panther Creek H.S. this Saturday, Feb. 16 at 1:30pm.  Like our winter guard, this is an exceptionally dedicated group of students who represent our entire band program.  Please consider making it out to watch one of their performances!  I know that they will do us proud:)


2) Our Winter Chamber Concert will be held next Thursday, Feb. 21 at 7:00pm in the auditorium.  Most of the students in our Wind Ensemble and several of the students in the Symphonic Band will be performing throughout the evening in smaller groups such as clarinet choirs, trumpet choirs, and the like.  It is a terrific way to enjoy the talents of our students in a more focused manner.  Once you hear the sections that comprise the band, you’ll be amazed at how “open” your ears become when you listen to the full ensemble.  The concert is FREE and refreshments will be served afterwards.  Also, I am giving extra credit to all Concert Band students who attend.  We need stage-hands and program distributors!


3) Our Festival Concert 1 will be held Thursday, Feb. 28th at 7:00pm featuring the Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble.


4) Family in need!  Be on the look-out for a letter from our boosters concerning helping one of our band members/families who was involved in an apartment fire.  Ciara Knight (junior/flute) and her family lost most of their possessions as a result of a fire in their apartment complex.  Fortunately, no one was injured!  We will have a donation box at the next two concerts for you to conveniently leave any materials/funds to help them.  Please keep Ciara and her family in your thoughts and prayers!


Thank you for all you do!


“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.