Director’s News

“Doc Talk”/Class Lesson 6/4/2020

“DOC TALK”/CLASS LESSON – Thursday, June 4, 2020





1) Today, Thursday, June 4th, from 9:00am-3:00pm, students may stop by the band room to do the following types of activities:

-Return concert music, instruments, accessories (mouthpieces, mutes) – this is especially critical for SENIORS!

-Pick up instruments to be used for marching band, this includes mallet instruments to take home to practice.

-Students who have earned positions in the East Central District Honor Band and All-State Band, as well as senior Tri-M members, can pick up their medals and honor cords.

-You are also welcome to just drop by to see me

-There will likely be some restrictions in place (masks, entrance locations, etc.); please check the school’s website and I will also try to keep you informed.


2) Registration for Marching Band is OPEN on our website!!!

Please sign up ASAP, and spread the word, especially to rising 9th graders!  The due date is Friday, June 19th.


Monday’s Lesson:“Toy Story” and Igor Stravinsky’s “Petrushka,” Tableaux 1-2

Tuesday’s Lesson: “Toy Story” and Igor Stravinsky’s “Petrushka,” Tableaux 3-4

Wednesday’s Lesson:  Let’s go to the opera!!  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “The Magic Flute,” Act I


Today’s Lesson:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “The Magic Flute,” Act II


Brief synopsis of the story:

“The Magic Flute” is about a prince (Tamino) who is sent on a mission to rescue a princess (Pamina, the daughter of “The Queen of the Night”) who was kidnapped by a supposed villain named Sarastro.  As a reward for Pamina’s rescue, the prince will be permitted to marry her.  Upon reaching the castle of Sarastro, Tamino is told that he would have to perform 3 feats of courage in order to prove his character and rescue Pamina.  With the aid of a magic flute, given to him by The Queen of the Night, Tamino is able to perform these feats and is permitted to rescue and marry Pamina. 


In the interest of time, let’s jump right into the second act!


The second act opens with a ritual in Sarastro’s (the supposed villian’s) palace.  Sarastro announces to his band of priests that Tamino (a prince) desires to marry Pamina (a princess—the Queen of the Night’s daughter).  However, in order for this to be permitted, Tamino must withstand 3 harsh trials.


You begin to wonder, what is this Sarastro up to?  Is he really a “bad guy?”


Music cue #1:  1 hour, 23:11 in the attached link

We are going to begin with one of the most famous classical arias of all time!  This one is sung by Sarastro who is petitioning the gods Isis and Osiris to help the young couple withstand the trials that they are to endure.


Like some operas, there is even a part for a chorus (a group of singers).

Here’s a rough translation:



O isis and Osiris, bestow

The spirit of wisdom on this young couple!

You who guide the wanderers’ steps,

Strengthen them with patience in danger.



Strengthen them with patience in danger.



Let them see the fruits of trial;

Yet if they should go to their deaths,

Then reward the bold course of virtue;

Receive them into your abode.



Receive them into our abode.


The priests announce the first trial:  no matter what, Tamino may not speak to Pamina.


Music cue #2:  1 hour, 39:20 in the attached link

The “Queen of the Night” (Pamina’s mother) decides to go to Sarastro’s castle herself to see how Tamino is doing.  She finds her daughter and gives her a dagger to kill Sarastro.  In this aria (another very, very famous one), The Queen of the Night tells Pamina that if she does not kill Sarastro, then she will be disowned!


OMG!  Is the Queen of the Night a good queen, or a bad queen?  Why must Sarastro be killed?  Why doesn’t she just escape with her daughter?  Hmmm..


Here is a rough translation:

My heart is seething with hellish vengeance,

Death and despair are blazing around me!

Unless Sarastro feels the pangs of death at your hands

You are no longer my daughter.

Forever disowned, forever abandoned,

Forever destroyed may all ties of nature be,

Unless Sarastro dies at your hands!

Hear!  Gods of vengeance!  Hear a mother’s vow!


Music cue #3:  2 hours, 9:20 in the attached link

Here’s another well-known aria sung by Tamino’s comic sidekick, Papageno.  In this aria, Papageno is again fantasizing about meeting a girl that he can call his wife.  It is Mozart at his best—light, engaging, and memorable!


Here’s a rough translation:

A girl or a little wife

Is what Papageno desires.

Oh, a sweet little dove like that

Would be bliss for me!

Then I should drink and eat with relish,

Then I could hold my own with princes,

Enjoy life in my wisdom,

And be as if in Elysium.


A girl or a little wife

Is what Papageno desires.

Oh, a sweet little dove like that

Would be bliss for me!

Ah, can’t I find one, then, amongst all

The lovely girls, who would like me?

Let just one help me out of my misery,

Or I shall truly die or grief.


A girl or a little wife

Is what Papageno desires.

Oh, a sweet little dove like that

Would be bliss for me!

If no one will offer me love,

Then the fire must consume me,

But if a woman’s lips kiss me,

I shall be well again straightaway!


Back to Tamino and Pamina…

Tamino survives the first test and must now walk through a “mountain of fire” with Pamina at his side.  He plays the magic flute given to him by the Queen of the Night and they emerge through the fire unscathed!  Then they must walk through a flood; with the help of the magic flute, they survive this test as well.


Music cue #4:  2 hours, 40:23 in the attached link

Meanwhile, Papageno is about to commit suicide over not being able to find a wife.  However, just in the nick of time, he remembers that the Queen of the Night gave him a special set of bells that he can ring if he needs assistance.  He rings the bells and a girl by the name of Papagena emerges and commits to be his wife!

It’s a very cute duet by Papageno and Papagena!


Here’s a rough translation of this duet:


Ring, chimes, ring!

I must see my darling girl.

Tinkle, little bells, tinkle,

Fetch me my girl!

Tinkle, little bells, tinkle,

Bring me my little wife!


(Papagena appears)








Are you really all mine now?



Now I really am all yours.



So now be my darling little wife?



So now be the little dove of my heart!



What a pleasure that wll be,

When the gods remember us,

Crown our love with children,

Such dear little children!



First a little Papageno!



Then a little Papagena!



Then another Papageno!



Then another Papagena!



Papageno!  Papagena!

It is the greatest felling

That many, many



May be a blessing to their parents.


Music cue #5:  2 hours, 45:33 in the attached link

In the end, it turns out that Sarastro was a “good guy:” he was wise priest who saved Pamina from her wicked mother (yes, the Queen of the Night was actually  evil) by kidnapping her and making sure that the prince Tamino had the honorable character to marry her.  At the end of the opera, Tamino and Pamina are officially married and consecrated into Sarastro’s “circle of priests.”  Papageno is overjoyed with his new love as well.  The Queen of the Night is banished from Sarastro’s kingdom because she was full of such hate.  In Sarastro’s kingdom, there is no room for hate, jealousy, or any other type of emotion that is negative to a pure soul.


Here’s a rough translation of the song sung by the chorus:


Hail to you on your consecration!

You have penetrated the night,

Thanks be given to you,

Osiris, thanks to you, Isis!

Strength has triumphed, rewarding

Beauty and wisdom with an everlasting crown!


Morals of the story:  It’s all about having great character!  Goodness and purity of heart will always triumph over evil!  Perhaps there are good spirits watching over us, protecting us from harm.  Always be true to yourself.



1) Watch Act II of “The Magic Flute” in English presented by Loyola University.

2) If you want a more “professional” rendering (one in German but with English subtitles), explore this one by the Vienna Opera.  The only problem is that the English subtitles disappear in the second act.  However, you can google an English translation and still follow along.

3) Watch the entire opera!

4) If you enjoyed this, check out these other famous operas:


Aida (1871) Giuseppe Verdi

The Barber of Seville (1816) Gioacchino Rossini

La Boheme (The Bohemians) (1896) Giacomo Puccini

Carmen (1875) Georges Bizet

Cosi fan Tutte (so do they All) (1790) Wolfgang Mozart

Don Giovanni (Don Juan) (1787) Wolfgang Mozart

Fidelio (1805) Ludwig van Beethoven

The Flying Dutchman (1843) Richard Wagner

Madam Butterfly (1904) Giacomo Puccini

The Marriage of Figaro (1786) Wolfgang Mozart

Porgy and Bess (1935) George Gershwin

Rigoletto (1851) Giuseppe Verdi


And this list is just to get you started, there are SO MANY MORE!  It’s like watching Netflix!



“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.