Dear Athens Drive Band H.S. families,
Here’s the current “happenings” in our band world:
1) Our Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble will be performing their Spring Concert next Thursday, May 9th at 7:00pm in the auditorium. Additional information was emailed under separate cover and can be found on our website.
2) Marching Band Orientation for all new members (and parents) will be held on May 13 & 14th from 6:30-8:30pm in the band room. New woodwind and brass players need only attend 1 of these sessions. Guard and Percussion students are also asked to come on May 15th and 16th.
3) All Marching Band Leadership Personnel for the 2019-20 school year will be announced after school on Friday, May 10th. All of these candidates have interviewed with Doc and other staff/students, and a survey has been distributed among members seeking their input. Although the final decisions rests with the director, please know that many sources have been consulted and that it is very difficult to choose among such fine students. EVERYONE can be a leader in some manner, and too many “cooks in the kitchen” usually results in a mess or stalemate at best. Thank you for everyone’s maturity in dealing with these decisions.
4) Six of our band members will be performing with the All-State Band in Greensboro this weekend: Brennan Robbins, Gavin Foley, Brian Suh, Ana Altman, Derek Geiger, and Wesley Major. Thank you for representing our band with your incredible musicianship and character!
5) A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was involved with our BBQ–we raised a record amount of revenue and it was delicious! Also, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was involved with the Cary Arts Festival at Koka Booth Amphitheater last Sunday. What gorgeous weather (it’s about time), great performances, and very smooth logistical operations. It was another shining moment for our band which hosted the event. The semi trailer was a great billboard and sure looked awesome!
Thank you for all your continued support!