Director’s News

Doc’s Notes for February 28th

Dear Athens Drive band family,


Here are my “notes” for this week:

1) Our FESTIVAL CONCERT I will be held this evening at 7:00pm.  Featured groups are the Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble.  The concert will be very brief–we’ll be finished by 8:20pm.  We’ll also have our reception following the concert in the band room as there will be a play-off home basketball game in the gym.  Gotta luv it!  P.S. I need some parents who know how to tie neckties to help me in the band room around 6:15pm…

2) We need all the LONDON SURVEYS completed and returned by March 14th (the date of our Festival Concert II).  Although about 60 families have submitted responses, we have still not heard from about 50 families.  It is likely that the responses gleaned from these 50 families will prove to be the deciding factor.  Please complete the survey!

3) Our next BOOSTER MEETING is next Monday, March 4 at 7:30 in the chorus room.  We’ll talk about London, Busch Gardens and all the other wonderful happenings in our program.  Please, please, please spend that hour with us…it is so important that we meet in person each month.  Plus, there will be food…and I’ll make you laugh…:)

4) When signing up for band classes next year, keep in mind WCPSS description of our ensembles:  Concert Band = Band Intermediate; Symphonic Band = Band Proficient; Wind Ensemble = Band Advanced.  Don’t shoot me–I did not make these up and am just the messenger.  Thank you so much for your support of our program and the value of music in the lives of our kids. This is the #1 way that you PROVE your support of what music does to kids.  It’s the way we CHERISH our experiences and GROW this program.

5) Our school musical “All Shook Up” will be performed next Wed-Sat., 3/6-9.  Many of our band members are involved in some manner and Mr. Santangelo and Ms. Hayes do an outstanding job bringing this art to life.  Please consider attending.

6) Please keep in mind our 7 students who will be auditioning for the N.C. All-State Band this Saturday near Greensboro:  Brennan Robbins, Ana Altman, Wes Major, Gavin Foley, Brian Suh, Derek Geiger, Ben Wakeford.  Most schools do not have any students who are eligible… we are so blessed!

Thank you for all you do for your kids and this amazing program!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.