Director’s News

Fall Band Concert Thursday Nov. 8, 7pm

Dear band members and parents,

The purpose of this letter is to provide information about our annual Fall Band Concert next week, as well as other upcoming events.


Featuring the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Thursday, November 8, 2018

6:15pm                        Report:  SB in bandroom; WE in chorus room

7:00pm                        Concert begins

-Symphonic Band

-Tri-M Induction (during intermission)

-Wind Ensemble

9:00pm                        Concert concludes; reception provided by boosters

Both the Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble will be wearing formal attire:  Men will wear the tux shirt, tie, and cummerbund with black pants, socks, and dress shoes; Ladies will wear the black dress with black shoes.  Wind Ensemble men will also wear the black jackets (provided by school).

Concert Band students are highly encouraged to attend this performance as most of these students will be in the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble in future years.  It is important to learn and be inspired by these upperclassmen.  All the Concert Band students will receive “extra credit” for attending!

Athens Drive H.S. established a Chapter of the Tri-M Music National Honor Society last year and we are delighted that over 40 of our students are active participants.  These students—in band, chorus and orchestra–have distinguished themselves by their high academic achievement and long-time service to our Athens Drive Music Programs.

Our Wind Ensemble will be performing the program that they will be playing at our State Music Education Conference in Winston-Salem on Monday, November 12 at 11:00am in the Benton Convention Center.  All guests are invited to this FREE event and I will be sending specific logistical information early next week.  This is an exceptional honor for our band program and school as we had to submit an audition recording that was reviewed blindly by a distinguished panel of music educators.  Even more impressively, this is our 4th performance at this event in the past 12 years!  Our band program is truly a leader in music education in North Carolina!

If you are interested in sponsoring a piece of music on the program, please talk with your son/daughter about which piece you would like to sponsor.  The average cost of Symphonic Band music is $75; Wind Ensemble music is $100.  Just email me if you are interested in this TAX DEDUCTABLE way to contribute to the band and provide a lasting legacy for your child.  If I know in time, I’ll add your name to our program.  Of course, you can also sponsor a work after the concert.  Sponsor names are printed on the archive parts that remain in our library.

It’s going to be another great night for Athens Drive!  I look forward to seeing you Thursday evening!




Upcoming Events – Athens Drive Band Program


11/12 Wind Ensemble performance at the NCMEA Conference, Winston-Salem.


11/17 Raleigh Christmas Parade and Marching Band Banquet


12/1 Apex Christmas Parade


12/8                 Cary Christmas Parade


12/20               Grand Holiday Concert featuring the Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.