Director’s News

Final Competition Logistics

Dearest Marching Band student and parent,

Wow! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL on an incredible past weekend of performances! From a large pep-band performance at Yates Mill Elementary on Friday morning (performing for ALL the students and staff), to our “senior-recognition” home football game (and a season-ending WIN!) and concluding with our finest competitive performance of the season to the LARGEST AUDIENCE that we have performed for in recent memory. And let us not forget those of you who came on Sunday late afternoon to help unload “big blue!”

Though it all, I commend all our students for being the best representatives of themselves, our band, and our school. Mrs. Brown, our second bus driver, happily shared with me how impressed she was with our students’ conduct this past weekend. As I told our band, you absolutely must be a champion within before being recognized as a champion in public. And the former criteria is much more important than the often “fickle” nature of the later.

Concerning the scoring, both our percussion and our drum majors (Katie Ketchum & Ari Casanova) scored the HIGHEST MARKS OF THE DAY!! Our drum majors scored a perfect 100%!!! Overall, our band finished 5th of the day, with 26 bands competing! The spread from 2nd place to 5th place was 3 points! Bottom line, this was a huge competition comprising truly outstanding band programs. Most importantly, our kids played their hearts out and definitely had their best “run” of the season!

I love you all and am so proud of you!

And we’ve got one more competitive performance left—in our own backyard—and this one will be the biggest of the season! PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE LETTER AS THERE ARE ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCES/EVENTS LISTED!!!



Saturday, November 4, 2023

2:00pm Report to Athens
2:30pm Rehearsal in stadium
4:00pm Load/Dress/Dinner (you must provide)
5:30pm Inspection (senior parking lot)
5:45pm Depart for CHS (via activity bus)
6:00pm Arrive CHS; Fully dress; there will be some “dead-time” here.
7:00pm Warmup
8:30pm Change into comfortable clothes; load instruments and equipment; and equipment ; return to stadium to watch larger bands
10:15pm Awards Ceremony
11:15pm Depart CHS
11:30pm Arrive at Athens Drive
Important Competition Day Logistics

1) Due to the school musical performance in the auditorium, we are going to limit student traffic in the band hallway/band room area. We are going to ask all students to transfer their uniform, instrument cases and all their other belongings either to the cafeteria, upper gym, or lower gym (TBD). This is going to occur before our afternoon stadium rehearsal.

2) Students need to bring the following when they report to Athens: a dinner, black socks and their SHOW SHIRT for uniform, any clothes they want to wear back to Athens following the competition (including a hoodie or jacket). Please dress warmly!!

3) Students MUST REMAIN ON CAMPUS following the afternoon rehearsal as there are many responsibilities involved in the transition time.

4) Students will “1/2 dress” for the bus ride to CHS: They will wear their SHOW SHIRT, black bibs, black socks, and black shoes. We will put the jacket, hat, and gloves on shortly before our formal warm-up period.

5) Students may change into comfortable clothes following their performance. Please remember to dress warmly!

5) Our arrival time home is our best guess. We will contact you via the REMIND system as to the progress of our journey home. If we run ahead or behind schedule more than ½ hour, we will encourage students to call. Please let them know how they can best reach you. We also ask that the students be picked up within ½ hour of our arrival. We do not want our parents/staff to wait at school for a prolonged period of time after such a long day. Thank you for your consideration!

6) If you would like to drive your child home after their performance, please submit a written request. In general, I like to keep the students together throughout the entire event; however, I will trust your judgment if you feel it necessary for your child to be home earlier.

7) We only do the Cary Band Day every 6 or so years because we enjoy traveling around the state with our program. However, our seniors specifically requested the opportunity to perform here this year and we were due. Because it is almost a “home show,” I hope to see many, many families, friends, and alumni in the audience. Let’s give our kids a really big show of support for working so hard this season. YOUR PRESENCE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

8) This is a ONE OF THE LARGEST COMPETITIONS IN THE STATE! There are 34 bands competing in this event, divided into 6 classes. We are in the 5A class along with Corinth Holders H.S., Enloe H.S., Apex H.S. and Green Hope H.S. The show begins at 11:30am; our class begins at 7:45pm.



Highlighted items are NEW since last letter

10/31: NO MARCHING REHEARSAL (Happy Halloween🎃)
11/1: No school, but Marching Rehearsal 3-5pm
11/2: Marching Rehearsal 3-5pm; Booster Meeting at 7:00pm
11/2: Pep Band performance at WCPSS Connections Academy MS at 5:30pm; info to be sent under separate cover
11/4: Cary Band Day Competition
11/7: No school; no marching rehearsal
11/8: Marching Band Showcase at 7:00pm
11/9: No marching rehearsal; Veteran’s Day performance at Waltonwood with select students 3:00pm; UNC Charlotte Wind Ensemble performance in our auditorium at 7:00pm
11/14 & 16: Christmas Parade rehearsals 3-5pm
11/17: Waverly Place Tree Lighting 5pm
11/18: Raleigh Christmas Parade (It’s back on—for walking units 9:30am)
12/2: Apex Christmas Parade (5:00pm)
12/9: Cary Christmas Parade (2:00pm)

12/14: Grand Holiday Concert (7:00pm)
12/17: Tuba Christmas at St. Andrews, Apex (afternoon)


“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.