Booster News

Fruit and Nut–Orders Due and Sign up to Help with Delivery Day

Hello Band Families!

As our Wind Ensemble heads off to represent us at the NC Music Educators Association Conference on Monday, the wrap up begins on our fruit and nut fundraiser. Grab those final sales opportunities, check your order forms for accuracy, and send them in this week. A collection box has been placed in Doc’s office (moved from the band room). If you chose not to participate in this fundraiser, please write “No Thanks” on the white name label of your child’s packet and turn it in so the envelopes can be reused.

We must have all order packets back by this Friday (BBQ Day) so we can prepare our master order for the Florida Farm Bureau. If you’ve completed your sales, please return your orders as soon as possible. We will have some numbers to report to you about this year’s sale after Thanksgiving.


I never formally thanked the many people who helped last year. So, to the many parents and students who…
greeted me with eager smiles early in the morning on the loading dock- most of you had clearly had your coffee 🙂
unloaded almost 300 boxes of fruit and 600 nut items
inspected the quality of the shipment
bagged fruit
prepared orders
delivered to teachers and staff
solved problems
loaned hand trucks and other equipment
staffed the pickup table
pulled orders for pickup
helped load orders in vehicles in a cold rain (brrrr!)
and stayed to help clean up
I’d like to extend a BIG THANK YOU! You rolled with the punches, went with the flow, and made the day run like clockwork! I could not have done it without you, and I sincerely apologize for waiting so long to tell you so!

Now, let’s get ready to do it again! If you helped last year, we’d love to have your help again! And if you didn’t help last year, come join us this time! It’s easy and fun, and we’ll provide breakfast munchies and pizza for lunch. Just follow the signup instructions below to let us know that you’re coming. This event truly is one where “all hands on deck” gets the job done. We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your help.

Signing up is easy…
Go to the band website at
Click on the big orange Volunteer button to take you to the sign up page
Select Fruit and Nut Delivery Day
Decide where you want to plug in, and enter your name
Click on the green SAVE button. This is important! If you don’t, it will not save your name in the spot(s).
Be sure to provide your email to get reminders and other communications as the date approaches, and provide your mobile number for any last minute communication. You will receive a confirmation of your signup. You can click on the Outlook, iCal, or Google calendar option to add the event to your calendar. You will also receive a reminder email 3 days before the event.

If you have any questions, please email us at
Jennifer Wakeford & Dawn Al-Khateeb
Fruit and Nut Chairs

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.