Director’s News

Game Logistics for This Friday Aug. 17–from Doc

August 13, 2018


Dear marching band student and parent,

The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning our FIRST HOME FOOTBALL GAME this Friday, as well as the competition sites where we will be performing this season.



Friday, August 17, 2018

Report to ADHS band room 5:45pm

Warm-up (front parking lot) 6:00pm

Walk to staging area 6:20pm

March to stadium 6:35pm

Pregame 6:50pm

Game begins 7:00pm

Halftime Performance @7:50pm

Dismissal (at flagpole near band room) @9:45pm

Students are to wear their SHOW TEE SHIRT, shorts (make certain that they are not too short and fit comfortably), socks and tennis shoes.  Students will need their flip folders and lyres; they should also bring a small amount of money for drinks/snacks following their performance.



September 29                         West Craven H.S., Vanceboro, NC

October 6                                Overhills H.S., Spring Lake, NC

October 20                              Western Alamance H.S., Elon, NC

October 27                              Porter Ridge & Providence H.S., Charlotte, NC

November 4                            Cary H.S., Cary NC


Our “fall tour” takes us throughout NC so that we can perform for a wide field of audiences and adjudicators, get adjudicated with different scoring systems, and compete among different bands.  Most importantly, we travel the State because we are the Athens Drive H.S. #1 AMBASSADOR!

Ya Gotta Luv That!  — “Doc”

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.