Dear band member and parent,
The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning our GRADUATION performance on Saturday, June 8. All Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band members (minus seniors) are required to attend. A few Concert Band students have been invited as well. Please let me know ASAP if you cannot perform.
Convention Center, Raleigh, NC
Saturday, June 8, 2024
8:15am – Report to ADHS
8:30am – Rehearsal
9:30am – Break for light breakfast (provided by boosters)
10:00am – Change into concert attire (if necessary)
10:20am – Depart for Convention Center (via activity busses)
11:30am – Prelude music begins
Noon – Graduation ceremony begins
1:00pm – Graduation concludes
1:30pm – Depart for ADHS
2:00pm – Arrive ADHS
The Graduation performance is mandatory (a major portion of the exam) for Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band members. DRESS IS FORMAL: Wear the clothes you would wear for your concerts. I have attached a “projected roster” onto this letter. Once again, please let me know ASAP if your child cannot attend this very important performance.