Hello band parents!
We’re gearing up for our annual Fruit and Nut fundraiser, and we could use your help. Each year, we are tasked with writing our sales prices on each fruit and nut brochure. Here’s a little math for you…
(200 fruit brochures + 200 nut brochures) x 16 products on each brochure = a massive hand cramp!
That’s why we ask for a few extra hands and we have a pricing party! If you’re not chaperoning rehearsals and are available to help, we’d love to have you! We’ll be meeting this Thursday, October 4th from 3-5pm. If necessary, we’ll meet again on Tuesday, October 9th at the same time. Tentative meeting place is in the Media Center. If the location needs to change, we’ll put a sign on the band room door. We’ll have plenty of Sharpie markers!
If you know you can come, it would be great if you can drop us a note to let us know you’re coming. Please email us at fruit@athensdriveband.com. If you’re not sure whether you can make it and it works out at the last minute, we’re glad to have you, too! This is truly a case where many hands make light work! And you can get a sneak peak at the brochures we’ll be sending home with your kids in a couple of weeks.
Jennifer Wakeford & Dawn Al-Khateeb
Fruit and Nut Committee