Hey folks! It’s time to start marching band all over again. I had the pleasure of speaking to a number of you yesterday, but wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to those that weren’t present at the parent’s meeting last night. This Saturday, 27 July, a number of parents will be assisting with all the pre-band camp preparations at Wesleyan College. Basically, a number of parents are meeting at the College at 0830 to help unload the semi, set up tents and line the practice fields. We are usually done by around 1600 (4PM). The group will be composed of chaperones who will then spend the night, as well as parents who come out for the day, or even a couple of hours. The more hands we have to help, the better! Here’s the basic schedule:
0700 – Meet at Hardee’s on Gorman St to have breakfast and introductions.
0730 – Leave as a convoy to Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount.
0830 – Semi arrives and the day begins.
1600 – Done!
In the past, some of the parents have car pooled. If you are interested in coming, but don’t want to drive, email me directly at drmmichaud@mac.com and I’ll work on coordinating interested parties. If you want to drive to Wesleyan yourself we will meet by the parked semi to start the day. If you come in the main entrance of Wesleyan make a left at the first intersection and you will run straight into the semi. You can’t miss it!
Come on out and participate! It will be a lot of fun and you will have a direct hand in band camp’s success! Please consider bringing your spouse or older children to help out as well. The more hands the better!
Best Regards,
Mark Michaud