Booster News

Hello Band Families! We wanted to pass along some information we have recently received regarding our trip to Washington D.C.

1. Hotel Information: Hampton Inn & Suites Falls Church
6430 Arlington Boulevard
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: (703) 538-1000

2. Scheduled departure from Athens Drive, Saturday May 23: 6am, with arrival in D.C. approximately 12pm.
Scheduled arrival back at Athens Drive, Monday May 25: 11pm
Please note that a more detailed schedule will be sent out as our trip date approaches and more details are finalized.

3. If you expressed an interest in chaperoning, we will get back with you. Please remember that chaperones are chosen for trips based on previous chaperone experience and seniority. We are very fortunate to have many parents interested in chaperoning and will try to accommodate as many as we can.

4. If you would like to register your student for the trip, but have not done so, please do so right away! We have enough students to go, but still have room for more. We will accept last minute student registrations until October 10th. Currently registered students are listed below.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Suella & Michelle
Co Presidents
Athens Drive Band Boosters

Booster Team

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.