Hello Band Families,
We have had so many requests for our I AM A BAND PARENT t-shirts that we have decided to OFFER the opportunity to order them to all of the Band Families!
Before we order, we need to know approximately how many folks would like one!
If you are interested in ordering – please email michaeleathensdriveband@gmail.com with the size(s) and how many.
Once we have the number of shirts – the pricing will be given (it is based on the number of shirts ordered). We are pretty sure it will be around $15.
Since the original t-shirts are GRAY and were given to the chaperones at Band Camp – we have received requests asking to make the next order in a different color…..BLUE.
Please let us know if you are interested no later than this Friday, September 28th.
Attached is a photo of the screen print – check it out!
Let us know and we’ll add you to the order!
Michaele Woodhouse & Suella Berry
We Are Band Parents