It’s time to collect drinks & snacks ready for the season ahead. These will be served at after school practices and at competitions. It’s vital that EVERYONE contributes in order that we have enough to last through our season. Thank you!
Collections: Collections will be every day of post camp practice this week – 6th, 7th, 8th, 5:30pm to 6:30pm – curbside by the tree near the band hall doors. (Also at the 9-9 practice on 9/21)
Here is what is needed this season: Snacks are single-serving packaged.
Freshman & Sophomore Families:
1 box of sweet snacks (24 count or +) AND 1 box of sweet snacks (24 count or +)
1 case – 16 oz bottled water (24 bottles or +) OR 1 case of Gatorade (8 or 12pack) OR 1 pack of soda (12 cans or +)
(Note: Gatorades and Sodas are treats for competitions.)
Junior & Senior Families:
1 box of snacks (24 count or more) AND 1 box of crackers (24 count or more)
1 case of 16 oz bottled water (24 bottles or +)
Suggested Snacks:
Chips, Pretzels, Doritos, Cheese Doodles, Popcorn, Pirate’s Booty, Trail mix, Buggles, Party Mix, Rice Krispie Bars, Fruit roll-ups/chews, Cookie Packs, Protein Bars, Granola Bars, Power Bars, Nutri-Grain Harvest Fruit and Oat Bars, Pop Tarts, Goldfish, Cheez-Its, Cheese Nabs, Variety packs of Nabs Cracker Sandwich (Please avoid: peanut butter cheese Nabs).
Please consider sending in gluten-free and nut-free snack and cracker options.
Food Allergy Students
If your student has an allergy and requires a specific type of snack, please send in an appropriate snack labelled with the student’s name. We will keep these snacks in a special container in Doc’s office for your student.
Finally – Please Remind your student: to bring a refillable water bottle – labeled with their name to EVERY practice.
Thank you.
Johnny Thornton
Meals and Snacks Committee
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