Director’s News

Ledford HS Marching Competition 9/29

Dear marching band member and parent,

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information concerning the Ledford H.S. Competition in High Point, NC this Saturday.



Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Report to Athens * 10:45am

Rehearsal in new stadium 11:00am

Return to bandroom; eat; change; load equipment 1:00pm

Inspection in senior lot (in ½ uniform) 2:25pm

Travel to Ledford H.S. via activity busses 2:45-5:00pm

Eat dinner (provided by boosters) 5:15pm

Warm up begins 6:25pm

PERFORMANCE         7:10pm

Awards Ceremony 8:30pm

Depart LHS 9:45pm

Arrive Athens Drive Midnight



* Field crew/prop parents, etc. please report earlier (10:30am) to help set up.

Important Competition Day Logistics

WE NEED PARENTS TO ASSIST WITH SETTING UP PROPS!  In fact, every parent who serves on the field crew will get in FREE to the competition.  (Usual cost is about $10 per person.)

If you can assist with FIELD CREW/PROPS, please email/text Richard Swirski at  You will need to come to the beginning of the Saturday rehearsal to be assigned a prop and understand where to set it and how to handle it.  If you can stay through the transitions (loading the semi, etc.) that would be wonderful as well.

This is the PRICE of being big, entertaining, and GOOD!  We are literally moving a CIRCUS to Thomasville.  The good news is that we have BIG BLUE, we’ve got a terrific show with GREAT KIDS!  Let’s not let them down!  Be a sport!  Get involved!

Other important information concerning Saturday logistics:

1) Students must remain on campus between our rehearsal and inspection; there will not be enough time for students to safely leave campus.   Make certain they bring a lunch/snack for after rehearsal.

2) The students will be wearing their uniform shoes, black socks, bibs and “Be a Sport” show shirt for the bus ride to Ledford H.S.  By wearing the bibs, we do not have to rely on the changing facilities before we perform.  [Changing facilities often operate on strict schedules that can cause warm-ups to be rushed…]  See note #4 below about wearing a lightweight type of shorts under the uniform bibs.

3) The boosters will provide a meal for the students when they arrive on the campus of Ledford H.S.

4) Before we leave Ledford H.S., students may change into more comfortable clothes for the bus ride home.  If possible, students are encouraged to wear a lightweight type of shorts under the uniform so they may change out of the uniform outside near our semi trailer (“big blue”).

5) Our boosters will provide a light snack for the students’ ride back to Raleigh.

6) The arrival time (midnight) is our best guess.  We are usually accurate (within the ½ hour); however, due to the multitude of variables that surround events such as this and the number of students involved, adjustments may have to be made.  The safety/well-being of the students is our primary concern.   We’ll get word to you (via REMIND, cell-phone) if we run ahead or behind schedule more than ½ hour.

7) We enthusiastically invite all parents, family, and friends to travel to Thomasville to enjoy our performance and root on our band!  YOUR PRESENCE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!  And remember, we need HELP with all this equipment…but you must contact one of the parents listed above so that we can get things organized!

8) If you are planning to attend the show and would like to drive your child home, please submit a written request.  In general, I like to keep the students together throughout the entire event; however, I will trust your judgment if you feel it absolutely necessary for your child to be home earlier.

9) You will find the show schedule attached!

I truly prefer to think of these events as “Band Shows” rather than competitions.  As you can imagine, judging art is very subjective—so subjective that the very act of doing it is highly questionable.  I always encourage our students to do their best every day in order for them to perform at their highest potential.  They will always be winners if they do this!  It is vital to remember that we compete against ourselves, not against others.  That said, we do use the feedback that we receive and the adrenaline rush that comes naturally with performance and competition to GROW!

That said, let’s win!  And remember, we can only win if EVERYONE gets involved!  No one sits on the bench!  Come on!  Be a sport!

Thank you for all that you have done to make this season so wonderful.  Despite some very difficult weather, we have created a masterpiece—and more importantly, have bettered the lives of our wonderful kids!

Hope to see you in Thomasville “sport fans”

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.