September 4, 2018
Dear marching band student and parent,
The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning our THIRD HOME FOOTBALL GAME this Friday.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Report to ADHS band room 5:45pm
Warm-up (front parking lot) 6:00pm
Walk to staging area 6:20pm
March to stadium 6:35pm
Pregame 6:50pm
Game begins 7:00pm
Halftime Performance @7:50pm
Dismissal (at flagpole near band room) @9:45pm
Students are to wear their SHOW TEE SHIRT, shorts (make certain that they are not too short and fit comfortably), socks and tennis shoes. Students will need their flip folders and lyres; they should also bring a small amount of money for drinks/snacks following their performance.
We have marched in the pouring RAIN and the searing HEAT. We have performed 2 home football games BEFORE SCHOOL EVEN STARTED! For those games, we learned a Pregame, 2 movements of our competition show and a whole bunch of pep band music! As of the date of this letter, we have learned the music and choreography to ¾ movements of our show! This band is truly incredible and is definitely CHAMPIONSHIP MATERIAL! Let’s keep it going! More comfortable weather is just around the corner (think pumpkins and fall leavesJ)
Thank you for ALL you do every day—especially the “hidden stuff”—the stuff no one sees but makes all the difference in the world! And this goes for students and PARENTS! You are all amazing and it is my sincere privilege to work among you!
Hope to see many of you at the game. Please remember that it means so much to our students when friends/loved ones are in attendance! Plus, it is sort of fun to dance to “Apache,” “YMCA,” and the “Chicken Dance.” (It’s okay, what happens at a Friday night high school game will stay there…J)
The Athens Drive High School Band
Dr. Jerry Markoch, Director