Director’s News

Marching Band 2019 Schedule

Athens Drive High School Marching Band

2019 Schedule

(All events at ADHS unless otherwise noted.)



July 22-25 Pre-camp                                               6:30pm-10:00pm

July 28-Aug. 2 Band Camp (N.C. Wesleyan) TBA

Aug. 6-8; 13-15; 20-22 Post-camp                         6:30pm-10:00pm



Aug. 27 First After-School Rehearsal                   3:00-5:30pm

Sept. 6                                       Football Game (vs. Enloe) 6:00-10:00pm

Sept. 13                                     Football Game (vs. Middle Creek) 6:00-10:00pm

Sept. 20                                     Football Game (vs. Apex Friendship)     6:00-10:00pm

Sept. 21                                     Saturday Rehearsal                            9:00-9:00pm

Sept. 27                                     Football game (vs. Heritage)                   6:00-10:00pm

Sept. 28                                     Competition #1             `                        TBA

Oct. 5                                        Competition #2                                      TBA

Oct. 11                                      Football Game (vs. Green Hope)         6:00-10:00pm

Oct. 12                                      Competition #3                                 TBA

Oct. 25                                      Football Game (vs. Panther Creek)          6:00-10:00pm

-Eighth Grade Band Night

-Senior Recognition

Oct. 26                                      Competition #4                                  TBA

Nov. 2                                       Competition #5                                     TBA

Nov. 5-7                                    No After-School Rehearsals

Nov. 12-14                                No After-School Rehearsals

Nov. 19 & 21                             Christmas Parade Rehearsals         3:00-5:00pm

Nov. 23                                      Raleigh Christmas Parade                  8:00am-noon

Marching Band Banquet                     1:30-4:30pm

Dec. 7                                       Apex Christmas Parade                     3:00-7:00pm

Dec. 14                                      Cary Christmas Parade                          Noon-4:30pm


After School Rehearsal Schedule (8/27-10/31)

Tuesday & Thursday 3:00-5:30pm; Wednesday 3:00-5:00pm

(Guard & Percussion may differ slightly due to instructor availability.  Rehearsal schedule for these groups will be provided ASAP.)


SAT Dates:  Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7

Students may sign up to take the SAT on any of these dates; we will make certain that our performance schedule allows students to take the test in the morning/early afternoon.

Please contact the band director ASAP if there is a serious conflict with any of the above dates ( )

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.