Booster News

Marching Band Pre-Camp Chaperones

Hello Dear Marching Band Parents,
It’s that time again!! Woohoo!! Time for Marching Band Pre-Camp! Pre-camp MB practices will start as of Monday, July 19th from 6:30pm-10pm and WE ARE IN NEED OF MANY willing parents to CHAPERONE our MB group.  The signup schedule is up to date; however we ask for your flexibility and understanding as protocols/schedules may need adjustments.
This is such a pleasant way to serve the band. Bring your lawn chair and a water bottle and watch this year’s marching band take shape. You just need to report to the band hallway to find out where the kids will be practicing.
We will share any updates that we receive concerning any safety protocols as we receive them.  There may be some changes about how we manage water breaks. Also, specific instructions will be given as to what to do if a student feels ill during practice.
Save your spot and thank you in advance for signing up so that our MB runs smoothly.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
We look forward to meeting you freshmen parents and can’t wait to catch up with all the rest of you!!
Booster Team

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.