Director’s News

Marching Band Will Compete at Ledford HS 9/29

Dear marching band students and parents,

Due to damage/flooding caused by the recent hurricane, West Craven had to cancel their competition next Saturday (9/29).  We were very fortunate to be able to get into the show at Ledford H.S. in Thomasville as a substitute.  I have attached the competition schedule for you and will send you a logistics/rehearsal schedule for our day on Saturday next week.

Let’s remember to be thankful that we are IN SCHOOL and STILL MARCHING!  My heart aches for those programs down east that may have to discontinue their marching schedule for the remainder of the season.

Big day tomorrow with the 9-9 rehearsal.  Hope many of you can make the breakfast planned by our band boosters at 9:15am, and please try to come out to the old football stadium  to watch run-thoughs of the entire show at 8:00pm.  The old stadium is down the hill across from our practice field.

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.