Dear Athens Drive Marching Band student and parent,
The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning our last performance of the season, our MARCHING BAND SHOWCASE to be held this Friday, April 16th at 7:00pm. This event will also serve as our end-of-year banquet as we plan to give EVERYONE recognition – especially our seniors! We are also inviting rising 9th grade band students to attend.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Report to ADHS in full uniform 5:30pm
Section meetings/awards/gifts
Warm-up (front parking lot) 6:15pm
March to stadium 6:45pm
Showcase begins 7:00pm
Star Spangled Banner/Fight Song
“Once Upon a Time” Show in Horn Arc
Ranking Awards
“Once Upon a Time” Show on field with choreography
Senior Recognition/Field Crew/Staff
“Once Upon a Time” Show on field with choreography (encore)
Pin Recognition; Parent Recognition; Announcements; Final Remarks
“Once Upon a Time” Show on field with choreography (final run!)
Dismissal 8:30pm
Once students are dismissed, they can gather for pictures. (Please abide by all social distancing measures.) Also, Certificates of Recognition and Ice Cream Vouchers will be available for each student near the main gate of the stadium; students/family members may pick up these materials at any time before, during or after the event. Information concerning uniform return and general information about next year’s marching band will be sent soon. It definitely looks promising that our season next fall will be much closer to normal – and “ya gotta luv that!”
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!