Director’s News






All students enrolled in Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band are invited to pick up some music to practice at Athens Drive H.S. on the dates/times noted above.


This event will be organized as a “drive through” where you drive into the entrance to our school by the band room (the entrance near our semi-trailer and the entrance that goes up a small hill and you see the “Home of the Athens Drive Band” sign on the building).  As you pull around the corner, I will be there with tables set up with your music packets.  I will hand you your music right through your car window!  Just like a fast food joint!  Sorry, I don’t do special orders – this ain’t “Burger King!”


If students need instruments or accessories, you will need to park, and I will help you as much as possible while you remain outside.


This event will be conducted as safely as possible as I will be wearing a mask and will do a health screening prior to coming to Athens.  Any student/parent who emerges from a vehicle needs to wear a mask as well.


Although I really would like to “hang out” with all of you and catch-up, this is not the purpose of this event…  I would ask you kindly to keep your time on campus as brief as possible while exercising all the social distancing mandates.


It is my hope that you will find this music both enjoyable and challenging, and that it will provide you a bit of motivation to get your instrument out and toot away!


Thank you to Emma Edwards and Zed Lanier for helping me with the copying and organization of this music!  I’m looking forward to seeing many of you next week!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.