Booster News

NCFC July Games Posted

Band Families,

The July games for the NCFC Fundraiser have been posted on the NCFC signup. You may also reach the signup by clicking on the orange “Volunteer Signups” button
and scrolling down to the NCFC Signups link. More information regarding the games can be found on the signup, and also by going to the NCFC webpage of the band’s website.

Working these games together with family and friends is a great way to earn money for your band account(s), especially during the summer! Each person earns $20 per person, per game, so a family of 4 can earn $80 for working a 4 hr game.

Don’t wait too long to sign up – these spots can close quickly. The July 21st game is already staffed, therefore will remain locked. If we are notified that positions become available for that game, we will unlock the signup and send out a notice. And, the July 4th game start time may change somewhat, so keep that in mind when signing up. Those that sign up for that game will be notified if the time changes, and will have the opportunity to remove their name from the signup if necessary. August games will be posted soon.

Please contact us at with any questions.


Sherry & Carolyn

Booster Team

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.