Director’s News

North Davidson competition Logistic and more



Students will not have practice on Thursday due to Halloween.


Dear marching band student and parent,

The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning our LAST COMPETITION OF THE SEASON at NORTH DAVIDSON H.S. this Saturday as well as several important dates coming up in November! Please read this entire document.


Saturday, November 2, 2024

11:00am Report to Athens
11:15pm Rehearsal in stadium
12:45pm Load/Dress/Lunch
2:15pm Inspection (senior parking lot)
2:30pm Depart for NDHS (via activity bus); we will make one rest area stop
5:10pm Arrive NDHS; Unpack & Warmup
7:30pm Return to bus to store equipment, change out of uniform, receive dinner (provided by boosters)
8:50pm Awards Ceremony
9:45pm Depart NDHS
12:30pm Arrive Athens Drive
Important Competition Day Logistics

1) Students need to bring the following when they report to Athens at 11:00am: LUNCH, a backpack containing anything they may want to do on the way to and from the competition, LONG BLACK SOCKS and SHOW SHIRT for uniform, any clothes they want to wear back to Athens following the competition (including a hoodie or jacket).

2) Students MUST REMAIN ON CAMPUS following the rehearsal as there are many responsibilities involved in the transition time. Bring a lunch to eat during this time.

3) Students will “1/2 dress” for the bus ride to NDHS: They will wear their SHOW SHIRT, black bibs, black socks, and black shoes. We will put the jacket, hat, and gloves on shortly before our formal warm-up period.

4) Students may change into comfortable clothes following their performance. These can be the same clothes that they wore in the morning rehearsal. Please remember to bring a hoodie or light jacket as the evenings are getting cooler.☺

5) Our arrival time home (12:20am) is our best guess. We will contact you via the REMIND system as to the progress of our journey home. If we run ahead or behind schedule more than ½ hour, we will encourage students to call. Please let them know how they can best reach you. We also ask that the students be picked up within ½ hour of our arrival. We do not want our parents/staff to wait at school for a prolonged period of time after such a long day. Thank you for your consideration!

6) If you are planning to attend the competition and would like to drive your child home, please submit a written request. In general, I like to keep the students together throughout the entire event; however, I will trust your judgment if you feel it absolutely necessary for your child to be home earlier.

7) In terms of sheer size, this is the largest competition of the season. There are 25 bands competing in this event, divided into 5 classes. We are in class 4-A and are competing directly against 4 other bands! Truly, it is like a “championship!”

I realize that it is a hike (2 hours by car); but I hope that many of you will consider enjoying a nice scenic ride out to NDHS to route on our band! Our band continues to improve with every performance, and I am expecting that we will put on our finest show of the season this Saturday!




1) We have been asked to perform at the “rescheduled” Dillard Drive Football Game next Monday, November 4. This event is OPTIONAL for our marching students; however, it is so important for our recruiting purposes that we are urging as many students to participate as possible. There will be a “stand-tune” rehearsal in our band room at 4:00pm; the game begins at 6:15pm and you will be finished by 8:30pm. More information will appear under separate cover.

2) On Tuesday, November 5, our boosters will be holding their annual Fall BBQ at Swift Creek Community Center. Check our website for more information. We may not all agree on who to vote for on Tuesday, but we can agree that our Band BBQ is the BEST!!!

3) On Wednesday, Nov. 6th at 7:00pm, our Marching Band will present its annual Fall Showcase. Additional information about this mandatory performance/banquet type activity will be sent soon. The event will be held in our stadium and is FREE to the public. It is a great way to enjoy our Pregame and Halftime (Competitive) performances one final time! Please invite friends and extended family. Also, every student will be individually recognized!

4) On Thursday, Nov. 7th at 7:00pm, our Concert Ensembles (Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble) will present their annual Fall Concert in our Auditorium. This event is FREE and will include some GREAT music by most of the students in our program. Once again, information will be provided under separate cover.

5) We will have 2 Christmas Parade rehearsals on Nov. 19 & 21 from 3-5:00pm. Both rehearsals are MANDITORY; however, students with conflicts due to a winter sport need to contact one of the directors so that we can find acceptable solutions. NO SHOWS CAN RESULT IN SUSPENSION FROM THE PARADES! The Raleigh Christmas Parade is Saturday, Nov. 23rd. We will also take a formal group picture in our stadium that morning! More information to follow, plan to be available 7:00am-1:00pm.

6) We will be performing for the Waverly Place Tree Lighting around 5:00pm on Friday, November 22nd. This is a mandatory performance by the entire Marching Band. More information to follow

7) Be on the lookout for information concerning Winter Percussion and Winter Guard. Our Jazz Ensemble has begun rehearsing this week!

8) Thank you to everyone who parked cars at the State Fair this year! Due to construction issues, we were not able to raise the funding that we have had in past years; however, every bit counts, and we are so appreciative for your efforts!

9) Our Dewey’s Store in Waverly Place will open soon! Please continue to support our band by purchasing some holiday goodies—and they make terrific gifts as well!


Thank you for all you do for our students and our band!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sat, 15 February 2025 to Sun, 16 February 2025.