Your HELP is needed to Scoop Dippin’ Dots – Due to some last minute cancellations the PNC fundraiser needs your help to fill 5 worker slots for 2 events. With just 15 events left in the PNC fundraising season we could really use some help covering these last couple of openings. Remember PNC workers can earn an additional $35 service credit up to 5 total fundraiser credits for each PNC slot worked, or just start saving money in your student(s) account for next season.
Please take a look at the events listed below and consider volunteering, your help will be most appreciated. Each event and time slot already has an experienced PNC band booster Leader to assist new or returning volunteers.
Friday, March 2, 2018, Hurricanes v New Jersey, 1 worker needed to scoop dots ($30), report time 5:30pm
Saturday, April 14, 2018, Women’s Empowerment, 2 workers needed to scoop dots ($30ea), report time 10:00am
Saturday, April 14, 2018, Women’s Empowerment, 2 workers needed to scoop dots ($30ea), report time 3:00pm
Use the Signup link:
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at
Thank you for your help, support, and consideration.
John Chiavacci & Brenda Gerken – PNC Co-Chairs