Booster News

PARCC TIPS Certification Training

Centerplate (the company that runs the concessions for the Performance Arts & Raleigh Convention Center (PARCC)) is offering TIPS Certification Training at the Raleigh Convention Center.

The certification training is being offered at the following dates and times.

Saturday February 9th @ 11am in room 303
Wednesday February 13th @ 7pm in room 303
Saturday March 2nd @ 11am in room 303

TIPS Training is needed in order to serve alcoholic beverages to patrons at the Performing Arts and Raleigh Convention Center. Not all events have alcohol and they are noted as non-TIPS certified events when sent out via the band yahoo group email.

If you are interested in attending this TIPS Certification Training, please send an email to as soon as possible (ASAP). There are limited spots available for training and I need to provide the names to Centerplate.

Thank you.

John Sykes, PARCC Coordinator

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Nothing from Sat, 15 February 2025 to Sun, 16 February 2025.