Winter Guard


Jennifer Mason Harris


Winter Guard (TBA)

Click For: WG Schedule

Click for: Winter Guard Registration Form

Click for: Winter Guard Chaperone SignUp

Winter Guard Information

Winter Guard is an extracurricular group that rehearses from December through late March and performs in a series of competitions beginning in early February.

This group is the indoor complement to the Color Guard unit of the Marching Band. Like the Color Guard, this indoor group is dedicated to achieving the highest quality of visual performances through dance and the manipulation of equipment such as flags, rifles, and other props. The Winter Gu8ard is open to girls and boys; no previous experience with equipment is necessary to participate. This group is a formal part of our entire band program.


Winter Guard is open to all current seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen.

During the rehearsal/weapons audition times, the overall skill level will be assessed. Although all students demonstrating a cooperative, positive attitude are welcome to participate in the group, skill level, level of commitment, and overall attitude will determine the amount of performance time assigned to each student.

Members are expected to be neat in appearance, positive, and cooperative at all times.


It is important to realize that because Winter Guard is so interdependent (that is, everyone depends on everyone to be there), any absence or tardy hinders the progress of the guard. All Winter Guard members are expected to be at every rehearsal and performance.

Performance Expectations

Guard members will be expected to know the choreography before being permitted to perform. This policy will be enforced in the interest of the individual student as well as the entire unit. A member who does not demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in performing part of the show may be asked to perform less work.


As a member of a very special group, all Winter Guard members are to conduct themselves in the most dignified and responsible manner at all times. This high standard of behavior shows others that you respect yourself and the students who perform and depend on you. All school rules apply to the units.

Fair Share Assessment

There is a “fair share obligation” for participating in the Winter Guard because the program is not funded by the county. In order to cover the cost of the instructor, choreography, uniforms, competition entry fees, and select equipment, each winter guard member will be assessed:

  1. a non-refundable registration fee of $100
  2. plus an additional financial commitment of $545

The $645 obligation may be paid in full at the beginning of the season, or maybe divided up in the following manner: $100 non-refundable fee due with registration; $140 on 12/15, 1/1, and 2/1; and $125 on 3/1. Financial assistance is available through the booster organization for students who demonstrate need; however, assistance is often contingent on a willingness to participate in fundraising activities and past records of service. No student should be discouraged to join due to financial obligation; we will assist every family willing to contribute their “fair share.”

Guard members will also be expected to pay for a few incidentals (i.e. unitard, make-up) not to exceed $40. Travel to competitions will be the responsibility of each student; however, details will be coordinated with the parent advisors. Carpools will be arranged to offset expenses. There will also be food expenses for each competition.


Upon deciding to participate in the Winter Guard, each student—new and returning–must complete the Winter Guard Registration Form on our “Forms” page and submit it online with a $100 non-refundable registration fee (checks made payable to the Athens Drive Band Boosters). Students/families with a credit in their band account can have this fee deducted by indicating so on the form.

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Nothing from Sat, 15 February 2025 to Sun, 16 February 2025.