Band Parents,
This week we have a game on Friday and a competition on Saturday. Attendance and help last week was awesome – you guys are starting to make this look easy.
Hopefully we’ll have a little less mud this week – if you can help out, please join us we’ll have some fun and see a great show.
We’ll be in full uniform and all props for the game, so we’ll plan on loading the props on Friday Night (after half time). It also seems like the new normal is going to be unloading the semi on Sunday (this allows our driver to save some of his hours so he can work his regular job). With that said, I’ve created Signup entries for all three (3) events (game, competition and unload on Sunday). If we end up unloading on Saturday, even better, we get Sunday off. Please pick the times/chores you’d like to help with, remember if you’re not comfortable with something heavy, please don’t let that stop you as we’ll find something for you even if it’s just encouragement for the rest of us.
Guys and Girls all are encouraged and welcome.
We’ll plan on wearing our show shirts. If you don’t have one, the standard ADHS Band Shirt will be fine – don’t have one of those? Something blue then.
Rich Swirski
Pit Crew