Booster News

PNC – Help Needed

HELP needed on the 20th at the PNC. Come earn $65 towards your student’s band account! You get $35 for your service credit (up to the 1st 5 earned for your family, and $30 for the PNC worker shift).

This is a day game so you may still be able to attend the competition in Elon NC that evening! The competition is just over 1 hour away from Athens.
We need 2 workers. Report time for workers is 11:30am with doors opening at noon and the game starting at 1pm. Please go to the big orange VOLUNTEER button on the band website, scroll down to the PNC and sign up for the 20th! We NEED your help!

Brenda Gerken
PNC Co-chair

Booster Team

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Support The Band

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We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.