Booster News

REMINDER Competition Kick Off Breakfast

If you haven’t responded yet…there’s still time! Don’t miss out!

Dear Band Parents,

We are honored to have you be a part of band and would like to invite you to our 3rd annual Competition Kickoff breakfast. The band boosters started an annual gathering with Freshman and Sophomore parents, however, this year we have extended it to include all band parents. We invite you to a breakfast and info session about upcoming competitions. We would like you to join us in the cafeteria at 9:15, Saturday, September 22nd.

We are asking Sophomore, Junior & Senior families to provide breakfast and refreshments by signing up with our
link: Kickoff Breakfast SignUp

This is a fantastic way to create fellowship, share important information about competitions and ways to support your band. It works out perfectly because the student’s reporting time is 9:00. So drop your marcher off and come have breakfast.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 19th to the email address below, with the number of people attending so we will have a good idea of the numbers and/or if we need more/less food.

Come on out, meet the parents and have a bite to eat – it will be great!

Hope to see you Saturday, September 22nd,
Michaele & Suella
Athens Drive Band Boosters

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.