Booster News

Reminder for Senior Families!

Hello SENIOR Band/Guard Members and Parents!

We are working diligently on the programs for Senior Recognition Night and we would hate to have nothing to share about your extraordinary student!

Please take a moment to complete this brief information form to let us know your Senior Night escorts and future plans by OCTOBER 1ST! Yep, that deadline crept up on us too, so we are extending it to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3RD – plenty of time!

Click on the link below and complete before you close this important email and forget all about it!

Senior Night Information

Please mark your calendars for our:
Senior Night Celebration
Friday, October 19th

Our senior marching band members will be individually recognized during the half time program of the football game.

Just prior to half time, we would like the senior escorts (usually parents/guardians) to gather on the field (inside and along the fence) in front of where the band is usually located in the bleachers. We will prepare for the ceremony by lining up in alphabetical order and our senior band members will join us just prior to the recognition ceremony. Each band member will have their name, instrument, the names of their escorts and their future plans announced as they walk out onto the field. We will also gather on the track near the band section after halftime to have individual family photos taken.

Moms, this is why we make Senior Mom Buttons! Please plan to wear your special Senior Mom Button on this night to celebrate your senior at this last home game!!

Please contact us with any questions.

Michaele Woodhouse & Suella Berry & Liz Starling ,

Booster Team

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Nothing from Sat, 15 February 2025 to Sun, 16 February 2025.