Director’s News

Restrictions Involving Parents & Students on Campus

I just had a meeting with Mr. Mares regarding restrictions involving parents/students on campus.  He wanted to underscore the following guidelines:

1) Any student/parent that comes on campus for any reason (even moving trucks, etc.) must be in the presence of a staff member and must go through a health screening.

2) No rehearsals may be held on campus except for the “after-school” Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals for winds/percussion which will begin next week.

If you are in doubt as to whether something is permitted, please ask me.  I have found that if I ask in advance about something, there is more of a chance that it will be approved.

This is tough…but hey, we’re the band, we’ll make anything work!

Luv ya all!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.