Hello Band Families!
It’s almost time for the NC State Fair! Who’s excited?! Please read the info below about a phenomenal opportunity to earn lots of money for your band account. We will be discussing SFP at the pre-competition breakfast as well. Come join us this Saturday, 9/18 to learn more!
The State Fair Parking fundraiser is important to our BAND and to each of our personal band accounts. We are so thankful to be able to partner with Gregory Poole to earn money for both. It is important that we fill all the spots for this fundraiser to ensure we can continue the great working relationship with Gregory Poole Company.
The NC State Fair runs October 14-24. We assist Gregory Poole by managing their parking lots for employees and customers during business hours (7:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday-Friday). In exchange, Gregory Poole allows Athens Drive Band to collect money for parking after business hours (M-F) and all day (Sat/Sun). This is a HUGE (and vital) fundraiser for the band – In years past, we have brought in an excess of $40k for the General Fund!!!!
Weekday shifts earn $30 per shift, Weekend shifts earn $40 per shift. And don’t forget Fundraising Service Credits. You can earn an additional $35 for up to 5 shifts. This means that by working just a one-weekend shift, you can earn up to $75 towards your band account!!
There will be 3 shifts each day:
6:45AM –12:00PM
11:45AM – 5:00PM
4:45-PM –10:00PM
Signup.com will be available 9/19 @ 10am. We have approximately 300 spots to fill over the course of the state fair! These spots are first come, first served and they will fill up quickly!! You may sign up for as many shifts as you like! We will need a lot of help especially the evenings of Saturday 10/16, Friday 10/22 and Saturday 10/23. Please provide your phone number upon signing up. We will be using GroupMe for communication the day of/during your shift. Please wear comfortable shoes, dress for October in NC (LAYERS!!), bring a chair, water, snack, weather gear and, most importantly, a positive attitude! 🙂 Cancellation Policy: At least 3 days notice prior to your shift or $30 will be charged to your band account.
Mark your calendar for our on-site training dates 10/3 &10/10 – more information to come!!
Thank you so much for supporting the Athens Drive Band Program. We couldn’t do it without parents and families like you!!!