Booster News

Student Accolades – We Need Your Help

It’s time to give a “shout out” to all of our students who have been recognized this year in any local, national or international events.

We keep this information on our Web Page as a permanent record – so want to ensure all of your achievements have been recognized.

Our website has been partially updated, but we would love to include all achievements with accompanying photographs.
Please check and make sure YOUR musical accomplishments are listed here!

We would love to add more information – particularly if you participated in any of the following:
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Triangle Youth Music
The Honor Band of America
or any other not listed

& finally:
Did you receive a music scholarship (full or partial) for college? Let us know what school, the type of scholarship (full or partial), scholarship name (optional), your name, and any other relevant information.
We’re also interested in knowing which of our graduating seniors will be continuing with music in college. Let us know your plans (major, minor, marching, class bands, ensembles, etc.)
For any of the accolades (currently listed or otherwise), please send a picture and the related information to

We’re very proud of ALL our musicians and how well they represent our band program, school and community!

Suella & Michelle

Booster Team

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We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Support The Band

Earn money for your band account and for the band.

We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sat, 15 February 2025 to Sun, 16 February 2025.