Dear Parents,
What a compliment to receive the award for BEST PIT CREW in our class at Cary Band Day. YOU proved to everyone that Athens has the best parents supporting our students!! Big shout out to our VP of Operations- Mark Michaud, Co-Chairs of Pit Crew- Rich Swirski & Tom Luzzi.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the following parents were part of Pit Crew or Props that helped make the magic happen:
Troy Wregglesworth & Family, Larry Moore, Greg & Cortney Cowan, Dolan Family, John Schroedl, Mandy Paterson, Tabachow Family, Blanchard Family, Hodgins Family, Major Family, Little Family, Aurelia Altman, Slawek Pruchnik, McGuinn Family, John Woodhouse, Diana Colley and Matt Berry. Again, please forgive me if we left anyone’s name out 🙂
The band needs EVERYONE’S support! The students can’t be successful without YOU!There are over 37 Senior Families graduating many of them leading a number of committees – please consider talking to the presidents- Michaele Woodhouse & Suella Berry to see where you can lend a hand in the band. You can email them at
Thank you for a wonderful marching season and looking forward to seeing everyone at the marching band banquet and ALL of the parades.
With sincere gratitude,
Suzanne Puccio & Dee Nicol
Co-Chairs, Props Committee