Director’s News

Tis the season

Dear Athens Drive Band family,

“Tis the season to…”

I am writing to make you aware of a few ideas that you may wish to pursue over the following months as we are transitioning out of marching band.

  1. Private Music Lessons: Music is unique in that most “serious” musicians’ study 1-on-1 with a mentor—often for quite a long time. I studied an instrument privately from 4 th grade through graduate school. Private lessons are the #1 most effective way to improve performance, provided that the teacher is qualified and that the student practices. Depending on your schedule and finances, you can take fewer lessons with more time in-between to practice. If you are interested in references for private teachers, please let me know!
  2. Intermediate/Professional Instrument: If you are still playing the same instrument since 6 th grade, it is time to upgrade! Beginning instruments are meant to get students started but lack the quality of material/ workmanship to allow the student to develop fully as an artist. More simply put, a better instrument will allow the student to play with a much better tone, more range of expression (can play more easily soft and loud), and better intonation throughout the entire range (in-tune). It’s a bit like technology…just think how far we’ve come in 5 years regarding cell phones, personal computers and software programs. Music & Arts (in Crossroads) is having a BIG INSTRUMENT SALE on Saturday, December 3 rd (day of the Apex Christmas Parade). They will have great deals on all instruments and great financing plans.
  3. Tuners/metronomes/music books/mouthpieces, etc.: These make great stocking stuffers.
  4. Learn to play the piano/guitar: These 2 instruments can play both melody and harmony and are great ways to improve musicianship. You can purchase a decent guitar or electric keyboard for a few hundred dollars and can practically teach yourself—there are many good books out there (and I can help you as well).
  5. Join Winter Guard, Winter Percussion, and/or Jazz Ensemble: WG and WP ensembles are meeting NOW…It is not too late to join, but you must jump in quickly. Jazz Ensemble will begin in the second semester (late January). We will rehearse on Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:00- 4:30pm. The cost is only $50!
  6. Get into (or stay in) Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble: We are so fortunate to offer 3 concert bands at Athens Drive—all of which are enjoyable and challenging. I realize that there are sacrifices to be made in sticking with music; however, growing as a musician/artist requires consistent practice. The only “shortcut” is to have quality instruction and to practice intelligently. You must make “music-making” a habit to achieve positive results. You are what you do in life.

I hope that some of these ideas will motivate you to keep active with playing music in the Winter and Spring months. Reach out to me if you have any questions or need any help getting your child motivated.

“Being a musician isn’t some kind of hobby; collecting stamps is a hobby. Being a musician is a way of life, It’s who you are inside.”

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.