Booster News

Uniform Return – April 26th & May 4th

It’s time to return your marching band uniforms to be cleaned. I will be in the band hall after school on 4/26 and 5/4 from 2:15-3:30 pm to process uniforms and make sure all parts are returned. If you bring your uniform during school hours when I am not there please leave your full uniform in its suit bag and hang it on one of the racks in the band room hallway. All hat boxes should be placed on or under table marked HATS. Please don’t return your hat to the closet until I have processed it.
BEFORE you return your uniform to school you need to do the following.
PLEASE REMOVE your show pins from your uniform and keep them.
PLEASE REMOVE shoes, socks, gloves, trash, and money from your bag or hatbox. I adore you all but I have no desire to handle your dirty socks and I don’t want to be responsible for your money. You may keep the shoes or throw them away. Next year we will be switching to patent leather shoes so it’s up to you. I suggest keeping the gloves so you will have a backup pair next season.
If you have any questions – please contact –
Note from Uniform Committee Chair
Sadly, this is my last year as a Uniform Mom. I have truly enjoyed getting to know each of the students and making some terrific friends through the marching band. It has been so much fun to watch these students work so hard and grow each year from the experience. If any parents are interested in helping with uniforms next year we would appreciate it. You do NOT have to sew. Please consider becoming part of the Uniform Committee. It’s not hard work and it’s a wonderful way to help the ADHS Marching Band shine. I will be happy to help new parents learn the ropes.
I also want to thank my Co-Chair Janice Broniak for all her help over the years. Together we made a great team and we had fun along the way. Please think about volunteering to support her next year.
Thank you,
Shayla Michaud – Uniform Committee Chair
Booster Team

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