Booster News

Washington D.C. Trip – REGISTRATION DUE

Today is THE DAY! Registration for our trip to Washington D.C. and the National Memorial Day Parade is due TODAY. We know you don’t want to miss out!!

This is a special group of students who are working so hard and achieving great things together. They have a wonderful opportunity to perform at our nation’s capitol and make memories that will last a lifetime. They are going to have so much fun AND have experiences (such as performing and marching down Constitution Ave and seeing the Marine Band play) that will positively impact them as musicians and students.

Please complete the trip intent form ASAP. If you have any questions – please contact us at

Please use the link below to fill out the Trip Intent Form (even if you do not plan to join us).

Trip Intent Form

Many thanks.
Suella and Michelle
Athens Drive Band Boosters

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.