To: Senior/Junior/Sophomore Marching Band Students
RE: Waverly Place Tree-Lighting Ceremony, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019
The administration at Waverly Place has requested that a contingent of our marching band perform for about 10-15 minutes at 6:00pm this Friday, Nov. 22 for the beginning of their tree-lighting ceremony. As Waverly Place has generously donated the space for our Dewey’s Bakery Store, we are performing this service as a way of saying “thank you;” however, it is also a wonderful way to bring joy to our community! Students may use this performance as “hours” for Tri-M, Key Club and NHS Honor Societies.
Because we will only be traveling in 1 activity bus (due largely to the logistics of having to arrange for bus drivers), we are going to initially invite only senior, junior and sophomore band members. Unlike other events, students MAY DRIVE…in fact, there will be 2 sign-ups on our band white board: one sign-up for students who need a bus ride, and one sign-up for students who will drive.
Listed below is the schedule that we will follow for the evening:
Report to Athens 4:15pm
-Change into full uniform
Depart via 1 activity bus/separate cars 4:45pm
-We are planning 30 min. for travel due to congestion on route 1
Arrive Waverly Place 5:15pm
-Warm-up, etc.
Performance 6:00pm
Depart Waverly Place 6:30pm
Arrive Athens Drive 7:00pm
We anticipate a very large audience for this event—so it’s going to be great PR for our band program! And, because it is a tree-lighting, it’s going to LIT!
Ya gotta luv it! — “Doc”